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5 Ways to Moving Safely During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything that our world has ever seen. The world is changing every day and there are new rules and questions about how to protect ourselves and each other.

If you want to move during the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve come up with some tips on how to make your move as safe and stress-free as possible.

1. Get a Virtual Quote

Avoid in-person contact to limit the spread of COVID-19. City Moving offers a virtual quote and electronic documents for easy, no-contact access. Virtual quotes offer an alternative to the traditional in-person moving estimate and keep you safe and make the process smooth and stress free.

2. Designate One Person to Help with the Move

When working with a mover, we recommend only one member of the house on-site during your move. This way, you can simplify the process and keep less people on the premises.

3. Clean and Disinfect

Make sure to clean and disinfect before the movers get to your place. Clean off all the commonly touched surfaces like handles, desks, toilets, faucets, and electronics. At City Moving, we provide complimentary masks, gloves and sanitizer when we show up to help you move. All of these steps will ensure that your family and the moving staff can work in safe conditions.

4. Greet with a Smile

Don’t worry about handshakes or hugs, our team will greet you with a smile so we can maintain distance.

5. 6 Foot Distance

As movers and drivers unload and move your things around, make sure to keep a 6-foot distance from everyone. Refrain from helping someone move.

Planning to move to soon? Get a free quote with City Moving. Call us today 1–888–794–8808

City Moving will be with you every step of the way